Ben Marx

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Getting Started With Rustler

Rust is an exciting new language that’s advertised “a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.” It excels in the same areas as C except that it has much more robust guarantees regarding memory and type safety.

When one’s Erlang or Elixir program requires speed or number crunching - or both - NIFs (Native(ly) Implemented Functions) are the solution. NIFs are generally written in C to take advantage of C’s speed. The tradeoff with NIFs written in C is that the whole BEAM can crash and won’t recover. This is why whenever a NIF is referenced, there’s usually a dire warning that a NIF crash will crash the whole VM. With Rust, because of its memory safety and static types, the chance of catastrophic failure is much lower.

Here’s the repo to follow along with - nifty.

Getting started with Rustler is straightforward. Add rustler to mix.exs like any other dependency:

  defp deps do
      {:rustler, "~> 0.18"}

Then, from the command line, run mix deps.get and once the dependencies have been fetched, run mix

This command sets up both the Rust directory structure and also the interface between Elixir and the Rust NIF. You can follow the output below:

/nifty> mix
==> rustler
Compiling 2 files (.erl)
/usr/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.2/include/yeccpre.hrl:60: Warning: erlang:get_stacktrace/0: deprecated; use the new try/catch syntax for retrieving the stack backtrace
Compiling 6 files (.ex)
Generated rustler app
==> nifty
This is the name of the Elixir module the NIF module will be registered to.
Module name > Nifty
This is the name used for the generated Rust crate. The default is most likely fine.
Library name (nifty) >
* creating native/nifty/
* creating native/nifty/Cargo.toml
* creating native/nifty/src/
Ready to go! See /niftynative/nifty/ for further instructions.

The generated explains things clearly and succinctly. Let’s walk through it. The first thing required is to add the Rust compiler and the just-created crate in mix.exs. First, in the project function:

  def project do
      compilers: [:rustler] ++ Mix.compilers,
      rustler_crates: rustler_crates(),

Then, create a new private function called rustler_crates like so:

  defp rustler_crates do
    [nifty: [
      path: "native/nifty",
      mode: (if Mix.env == :prod, do: :release, else: :debug),

To run the Rust tests alongside the Elixir tests when you run mix test add an alias:

  defp aliases do
      "test": ["cmd cd native/nifty && cargo test", "test"],

Now, all that’s left to do get everything up and running is to use Rustler in the Elixir module and add error handling. For simplicity, the Rust function adds two numbers together. The Elixir function add/2 raises an error if for whatever reason it can’t load the Rust crate.

defmodule Nifty do
  use Rustler, otp_app: :nifty, crate: :nifty
  @moduledoc """
  Documentation for Nifty.

  def add(_a, _b), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

Now, let’s turn to the Rust code which lives in native/nifty/src/ First, let’s take a look at the add function.

fn add<'a>(env: Env<'a>, args: &[Term<'a>]) -> NifResult<Term<'a>> {
    let num1: i64 = try!(args[0].decode());
    let num2: i64 = try!(args[1].decode());

    Ok((atoms::ok(), num1 + num2).encode(env))

First, the function takes two arguments, the env which is passed in by Rustler and a reference to some args and it returns a NifResult. The two inputs and the output all have the same lifetime as denoted by 'a. Lifetimes are the way by which Rust can guarantee memory safety. The compiler guarantees that all references are valid.

The body of the function should be immediately readable, but it says to try to parse the arguments passed in and set them to be type i64. Then the two integers are summed and returned as a two-tuple in the form of {:ok, total}.

At this point, this should work. It’s verifiable by running iex -S mix and then from the prompt run Nifty.add(1,2). It’ll return {:ok 3}.

What happens when you pass non-integers to the function. Let’s find out:

iex(3)> Nifty.add 1, :a
** (ArgumentError) argument error
    (nifty) Nifty.add(1, :a)

That’s pretty much what one would expect.

To add more functions, create the function and then add it to the rustler_export_nifs! macro like so:

rustler_export_nifs! {
    [("add", 2, add), ("sub", 2, sub)],

In this case, there’s a function added named sub that takes two arguments and is called sub in both Rust and Elixir.

And that’s all there is to it to getting started with Rustler. In upcoming posts, I’ll focus on benchmarking, dirty schedulers and see if we can make Rust cause weird behavior on the BEAM.

In lieu of comments, for any corrections or questions, please send an email to ben[at] I'll update the post and give credit for corrections and/or clarifications.