Ben Marx

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Gaining Insight into an Elixir Application with SASL

:sasl is an Erlang application that can provide insight into how an Erlang or Elixir application is running. In an Elixir application, you can use :sasl to format certain reports to Logger to format them in Elixir terms.

Let’s take a look at how to add :sasl to an Elixir app, then how :sasl provides more information during startup, and why that might be useful.

Add SASL to an Elixir App

To use SASL in an Elixir app, you need to open mix.exs and add it to the extra_applications keyword list. Note that :sasl must be started before :logger.

  def application do
      extra_applications: [:sasl, :logger]

In case you’re unaware, extra_applications is “a list of OTP applications your application depends on which are not included in :deps.” Additionally, Mix guarantees that all the applications—dependencies and extra_applications—are started before the application itself starts.

It’s crucial that applications like :logger and :sasl start before the application itself does. If the app crashes during start-up, how else would you know? The reason :sasl starts before :logger is that :sasl “redirects supervisor, crash and progress reports to Logger so they are formatted in Elixir terms.”

The last bit we have to do is add Logger configuration details. Open up config.exs and either add or amend a :logger config. All you have to add is handle_otp_reports: true and handle_sasl_reports: true as the code below illustrates.

config :logger,
  format: "$message\n",
  level: String.to_atom(System.get_env("LOG_LEVEL") || "info"),
  handle_otp_reports: true,
  handle_sasl_reports: true

:handle_otp_reports defaults to true, but if you’re using OTP 21 or greater, you must explicitly add both :handle_otp_reports and :handle_sasl_reports in order to see reports formatted in Elixir terms.

Startup Logs with :sasl

Normally, when you start your application with iex -S mix, you see that mix loads your app and then the iex prompt appears.

Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:12:12] [ds:12:12:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Generated sample app
Interactive Elixir (1.9.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

But if you enable :sasl, you’ll see something quite different. In this sample app, the only dependency is :propcheck as you see below.

 defp deps do
      {:propcheck, "~> 1.1", only: [:test, :dev]}

Again, booting the mix app with SASL reports enabled shows a much more complete story of what’s involved when an application boots.

λ ~/ iex -S mix 
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:12:12] [ds:12:12:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Application logger started at :nonode@nohost
Application proper started at :nonode@nohost
Child :dets_sup of Supervisor :kernel_safe_sup started
Pid: #PID<0.188.0>
Start Call: :dets_sup.start_link()
Child :dets of Supervisor :kernel_safe_sup started
Pid: #PID<0.189.0>
Start Call: :dets_server.start_link()
Child PropCheck.CounterStrike of Supervisor Propcheck.Supervisor started
Pid: #PID<0.187.0>
Start Call: PropCheck.CounterStrike.start_link("/Users/user/dev/sample/_build/propcheck.ctex", [name: PropCheck.CounterStrike])
Application propcheck started at :nonode@nohost
Application sample started at :nonode@nohost
Interactive Elixir (1.9.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

First, you can see that the sample application—the mix app itself—is the last application that starts. Moreover, logger, proper, and its Elixir wrapper propcheck are all started. These give credence to the idea that an Elixir application is a collection of other applications—what Lance popularized with Phoenix is not your Application.

You can also see that something called :kernel_safe_sup is started as well as some other children and a PropCheck.Supervisor as well. If you search for :kernel_safe_sup, you’ll find it in the Erlang source code.

%%% The process structure in kernel is as shown in the figure.
%%%               ---------------
%%%              | kernel_sup (A)|
%%%	          ---------------
%%%                      |
%%%        -------------------------------
%%%       |              |                |
%%%  <std services> -------------   -------------
%%%   (file,code,  | erl_dist (A)| | safe_sup (1)|
%%%    rpc, ...)    -------------   -------------
%%%		          |               |
%%%                  (net_kernel,  (disk_log, pg2,
%%%          	      auth, ...)     ...)
%%% The rectangular boxes are supervisors.  All supervisors except
%%% for kernel_safe_sup terminates the entire erlang node if any of
%%% their children dies.  Any child that can't be restarted in case
%%% of failure must be placed under one of these supervisors.  Any
%%% other child must be placed under safe_sup.  These children may
%%% be restarted. Be aware that if a child is restarted the old state
%%% and all data will be lost.
%%% Callback functions for the kernel_sup supervisor.

From the documentation, you can see that “[a]ll supervisors except for kernel_safe_sup terminates the entire erlang node if any of their children dies.” While this might seem like trivia, it actually provides a lot of insight into what happens when an Erlang (Elixir) node boots.

This sample app only had one dependency and was built without a supervision tree and application callback (no --sup option). If the app were more complex and had more OTP behaviors, :sasl would become much more useful.

In lieu of comments, for any corrections or questions, please send an email to ben[at] I'll update the post and give credit for corrections and/or clarifications.